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How men and women draw attention

How men and women draw attention

Let’s face it, men and are women are doing all sorts of things, sometimes stupid things, just to attract the attention of person that they are attracted to. A research in which 2000 people participated, reveals what men and women do to attract the attention of the person of the opposite sex. Here’s how men and women draw attention:

How men and women draw attentionDrink several glasses of alcohol and more – This is the thing that 26% of men and 15% of women do.
Intentionally hide their marital status –  About 8% of men and 4% of women were hiding their marital status when talking to the person that they like.
Lie about their financial status and the working position – Nearly 10% of men and only 3% of women lie about the position the’re working and their financial status.

The same survey shows that 22% of men had sexual intercourse at the first meeting, and the percentage of women who have done this is 8%.

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