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12 Winter skin care tips – Beauty tips for cold weather

12 Winter skin care tips - Beauty tips for cold weather

Even though spring is fast approaching, the weather is still really cold. Low temperatures and wind badly affect the appearance of our skin. Along with the dry indoor air, these factors cause the skin to be dry, tired, tight, and even flaky and irritated. To avoid the harsh impact of the fall and winter season on your skin, you need to adjust your skin care to the cold weather. Here are 12 winter skin care tips and beauty tips for cold weather:

12 Winter skin care tips - Beauty tips for cold weatherWinter skin care tip #1 – Spend less time in the shower

After a long time spent outside, you probably often go under the shower and try to beat the cold with hot water. Maybe it is the best way to warm yourself from head to toe, but it doesn’t reflect well on your skin. The very hot water dehydrates the skin and washes the natural oils that protect it. Therefore, try to resist the temptation to shower with very hot water for a lot of time. Shower no more than 15 minutes. Then apply moisturizing cream on your face and body.


Beauty tip for cold weather #2 – Don’t forget the sun

Spring is approaching, and even though it is cold, there are some sunny days too. Ultraviolet rays ‘attack’ the skin even in the coldest days of the year, even if it’s cloudy outside. Use moisturizer or foundation with an UV protection (at least SPF 15). It will be sufficient to protect your skin from skin damage and premature aging.

Winter skin care tip #3 – Apply moisturizer

Try to apply moisturizer 30 minutes before you go out. During fall and winter, make sure to use good moisturizer that will moisturize your skin properly. Half an hour is sufficient time for the moisturizer to be absorbed, so 30 minutes before you leave your house, apply moisturizer on your face.

Beauty tip for cold weather #4 – Don’t use scrubs too often

Imagine your skin like a mirror that in order to shine needs to be constantly polished. You need to exfoliate your skin to remove the dead skin cells so your face will shine with a healthy youthful glow. However, when the weather is cold, excessive use of face scrubs can harm the skin. Even if you are accustomed to exfoliate your skin everyday, during the cold days it is best to use face scrubs for no more than 2 times per week.

Winter skin care tip #5 – Use air humidifiers

When outside temperatures are low, it is normal to keep the windows closed and to put the heating to maximum. But that way the air loses its moisture and creates an unfavorable environment for your skin, especially if it is dry. The use of air humidifiers may be a good solution to this problem. Set several air humidifiers throughout your house to disperse the moisture evenly. And if you spend more time at work, buy a little one for your office and use it if the company doesn’t mind.

Beauty tip for cold weather #6 – Nourish your lips

The gentle and delicate skin of your lips perhaps suffers the most from the wind and the cold. As a result, the lips become cracked and unattractive and sometimes it can be very painful to even smile. Always carry a moisturizing lip balm in your purse and never lick your lips. Before you leave your home, put a lip balm on your lips. It will form a protective layer that will keep your lips moisturized.

Winter skin care tip #7 – Avoid wool clothing

In winter wearing wool clothing might look like a good idea, but if you have dry and sensitive skin you need to actually protect your skin of wool clothing. Wool irritates the skin, but it really is a great material to warm you in the cold days. What’s the solution? Wear a thin cotton shirts under your wool garments, which will prevent the wool to touch your skin directly.

Beauty tips for cold weather #8 – Eat properly

In winter make sure that you eat properly and drink plenty of water. Foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are a good choice if you have problem with dry skin. Also fish oil and healthy fats are good solution too. Of course, we shouldn’t forget to drink enough water. In winter you should try to drink about 8 glasses of water daily to keep your body and skin hydrated.

Winter skin care tip #9 – Use foot cream

Your feet should also be nurtured during the cold days. Use foot buffer and foot scrubs to remove the dead and hard skin. Apply lots of foot cream on your feet to prevent then from being dry and cracked.

Beauty tips for cold weather #10 – Wear gloves

Use gloves to protect your hands from the low humidity and the cold air. Try to find gloves that have silk or cotton lining, not wool, to avoid irritation.

Winter skin care tip #11 – Dry your gloves and socks

Don’t allow water to stay on your gloves or socks. Wet gloves and socks can irritate skin and cause itching. If you happen to wet your gloves or your socks, take them off as soon as you can.

Beauty tips for cold weather #12 – Dress in layers

Sometimes you put on the warmest clothes so you won’t be cold outside, and then when you step indoors, you regret that you’ve chosen the warmest sweater because you feel too hot. Sweat can irritate the skin, and if it is too hot, it’ll start to itch. Multiple layers of clothing will help you avoid all this hassle. Whenever you feel hot you can take off your clothes piece by piece until you feel comfortable.

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