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Man’s sexual problems can be caused by emotions

Recently, more and more experts believe that often sexual disorders in men are due to problems in the emotional sphere, and not as it was considered until recently – of physiological factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes or damage to sexual organs.

Men’s sexual problems can be caused by anxiety, neurosis, stress caused by work, family or financial problems.
Unresolved issues between a man and his partner, feelings of awkwardness and shyness, fear of bad reaction, fear of failure – all this can be a source to failures in the intimate sphere.

According to psychologists, the failure of man in bed is one of those situations in which is very difficult to find remedy. And unfortunately, men caught in similar situations, often fall into depression.

Sexologist studied the most common mistakes of men that can lead them to an erectile dysfunction caused by emotions:

  • First – they fall asleep immediately after the intercourse;
  • Second – they make too much efforts to find the so-called G point in the woman, which really isn’t making her feel more pleasure and can even cause a negative reaction.

Among the errors are too much over-working and trying to solve business issues.

It is known that men are experiencing the peak of sexual activity in about 30-33 years. After the 37-40 years, its in natural decline. Experts believe that one of the main reasons for this suppressed status of men, is the reduction of the level of testosterone in the blood – which affects almost all of the processes that are taking place in the male body.

Therefore, according to researchers, with age the level of hormones in the blood should be tested, and sometimes a small dose of testosterone prescribed by a physician, can contribute to the males’ success. “

Tags : Healthsex