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8 proven ways that help fight cellulite naturally

8 proven ways that help fight cellulite

It’s a fact, almost every woman had to deal with cellulite at least once in her life. Most women wonder why they get cellulite and the answer is that it’s usually genetic, but also it can be due to  hormonal disorders, unhealthy diet, very little physical activity and stress.

If you decide to fight and eventually get rid of cellulite, the first step would be to eliminate all things that cause cellulite or at least to increase your physical activity, to exclude unhealthy foods from your diet and try to avoid stress – learn how to relax and control your emotions.

Here are 8 proven ways that help fight cellulite naturally:

8 proven ways that help fight cellulite

Anti-cellulite massage and dry skin brushing is easy and effective

Use a little of your favorite oil of body butter and massage the affected area for 10-15 minutes. For the dry skin brushing, you’ll need a soft body brush or anti cellulite brush and brush the affected areas in circular motion for 15-20 minutes. Make sure that the brush is soft and comfortable, that way you won’t be hurting and irritating your skin. If you have very sensitive skin, you’ll have to do the dry skin brushing gently, and stop if you feel that your skin starts to get irritated.

Anti cellulite treatment – Contrast shower

To do this anti cellulite treatment all you have to do is to shower the areas affected with cellulite 2-3 minutes with hot and then 2-3 minutes with cold water. You should repeat this for 20-30 minutes. It improves circulation, stimulates cell renewal and activates the metabolism.

Homemade anti cellulite treatment with coffee and sea salt

Using homemade anti cellulite coffee scrub has helped many women to reduce or completely get rid of cellulite. However, you mustn’t forget that the result doesn’t come immediately. To make this homemade anti cellulite coffee and salt body scrub, you’ll need to mix 1/4 cup of ground coffee, 1/4 cup of sea salt and 5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil or an extra virgin oil of your choice. Mix everything well and massage the affected area for 2-3 minutes, then leave the mixture for additional 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Anti cellulite solution – Have an active lifestyle

If you don’t exercise, you’ll might get cellulite. It is important to get up and be active, not just for reducing the cellulite, but also for your overall health. And here is a good exercise when you’re at work, or at home sitting in front of the computer: Tighten and release the butt and thigh muscles. This action on one hand will increase the blood flow in the problem areas and on the other hand – you’ll exercise without getting up. But don’t take this like a full exercise, it is only a small thing you can do while sitting.

Anti cellulite solution – Climb stairs

Stop using the elevator,  just climb and get down by the stairs, although it is exhausting, especially if you live higher than the 5th floor. You’ll eventually get used to it, just look at it as a free fitness equipment. Climbing definitely tightens the thighs and rear muscles, and helps you to burn more calories and lose some weight.

Fight cellulite naturally with clay

 Take couple of tablespoons of white or green clay (or your favorite clay that you use for a face and body masks), mix it with 1/4 cup of sea salt, 1 tablespoon of honey and add warm water until you get a thick paste. Apply this homemade anti cellulite body mask on the affected areas and massage your skin for 3-4 minutes, then leave it for additional 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. This clay mask will warm the affected areas and increase the blood flow which is important for fighting cellulite.

Fight cellulite naturally with healthy food

Having a healthy diet will help you fight cellulite and also stay healthy and fit. You’ll probably find it hard to stop consuming unhealthy foods and sweets, especially if you have sweet tooth, but you can do it. Start to slowly incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet and avoid unhealthy snacks. Also eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring, try new fruits and vegetables, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find out that there are tons of different fruits and vegetables that you haven’t tasted yet.

Fight cellulite naturally with water

Try to drink at least 8 cups of water per day. Water helps you to flush the toxins out of your body and to stay hydrated especially if you exercise a lot. If you don’t like drinking plain water all day, add a little bit of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice or any other freshly squeezed juice or herbs like mint to make your own homemade flavored water. Avoid using sugar and sweeteners though.

Whichever method you choose, if you’re constant at it, in the end you’ll see the results. But keep in mind that these are natural solutions and they might not completely get rid of the cellulite (some cosmetic solutions don’t get rid of the cellulite either), but they do help and you can incorporate into your anti cellulite routine. Change your lifestyle, exercise and focus on eating healthy to reduce or get rid of cellulite and stay fit and healthy.

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