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Beauty & Fashion

7 signs that you need new haircut

Your ideal hairdo was the last time that you left the hair salon. But as time passes, your hair loses its beautiful form, it does not seem healthy and lose its shine.

These seven signs can help you know when it’s time make your appointment to get new, fresh and perhaps more modern look.

You always carry your hair tied in ponytail. If you’re obsessed with this fast and simple hair style and look the same when you are going out and staying home, you should definitely go to the hairdresser. She will make you a modern hairstyle. Cut your hair shorter and with layers so you can easily give up from your old habit to collect your hair in ponytail.
Loose locks. The curly hair can look beautiful and clutter, but when not trimmed can also look messy and lifeless.Loknite If your curls are loose and your hair stands attached to the scalp, you should immediately visit your hairdresser. Make layers of your hair and shorter bangs which you can wear aside in order to update your look.
Faded hair color and no dyed roots. Over time the color of the hair fade. If a month ago you had beautiful brown hair, now it certainly has a reddish tint. Black roots in combination with blond hair does not look good to anyone. The appearance of these signs indicate that you need to make a term for dying your hair. Use shampoo for dyed hair and renew the color of the hair on every 6-8 weeks.
You gained a pound. If you have visibly increased weight, the popular ‘bob’ may no longer look good for you.Visit the hairdresser to make your hairstyle to fir to the contours of your face.
Sick of your current hairstyle. If you have not changed your hairdo for several years and you want a fresh style, do not be afraid to visit the hairdresser. By your ideas or the idea of hairdresser, make a new hair style from which you will be satisfied.
Your hair styling takes too long. If you go through a lot of trouble for your hair to look good, or you use too much cosmetic products (foam, gel, hair spray) to look beautiful, it’s time to visit the hairdresser.
Want to be cheered. Every woman when steps out of the hair salon is happier, and feels more confident and attractive. Feel depressed? Go to the hairdresser. The attention that you devote to your hair will cheer you, and plus you will learn the new ”gossips  in the city.