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Beauty & Fashion

Grapes and beauty

In the last few years there is a lot of talk about the power of antioxidants and their beneficial effect on the body. Grapes are a powerful, natural antioxidant. In almost all professional face masks a grape extract is used.

Grape extract helps to eliminate the black spots on the skin and the shadows under the eyes. You can even do this at home by crushing the seeds of grapes and use them as an exfoliant and mask.

You can also add them to gel or cleanser and get a great exfoliant. Make a small dose which will last you for several days (because we all know how lazy we are in the morning, surely we will not crush some seeds in the early hours). For oily skin  are recommended crushed grape seeds and grapes in some yogurt. You can also add crushed vitamin C pill or squeeze an ampule (which is around 2 ml). It is quite efficient for shrinking the large pores and energizing the skin. Apply it for a few minutes and remove it with warm water. Apply moisturizer on your skin.

Grape juice is also rich in many vitamins. You can mix the juice with green clay powder and get rich thick mixture. Then apply it on your skin. After 10-15 minutes, remove the mask. Apply moisturizer again.

Tags : beauty