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Should you find out the baby’s gender

Some of the future parents are impatient and want as soon as possible to know the gender of their baby. Others want it to be a surprise. About 70% of the future parents want to know if the baby is going to be a boy or a girl.

If you can not decide, here are some tips about the advantages and disadvantages of knowing the gender of your unborn baby. They will help you to make the right decision.

Advantages if you know the gender of the baby

Finding out the gender shortens the process of selecting a name in half

Probably you will have a list of male and female names. But if you know if the baby is a boy or a girl, you will choose a name sooner, and you can call the baby by his/her real name while he/she is still in the womb.

You can decorate the nursery room

If you know whether your baby will be a boy or a girl, you can decorate the nursery room according to the gender. That way you will ready to expect his or her arrival.

You can start buying blue or pink clothes

Otherwise you have to choose neutral colors (yellow, green), and they are not as interesting.

It strengthens the relationship between parents and baby

Some future parents want to know the sex of the baby, because they can imagine the little baby more realistically, and the unborn baby for them becomes a person that they love.

Your children will expect brother or sister, but not both

If you already have kids, you can prepare them for welcoming their brother or sister, without them being confused.

You will satisfy your curiosity

If you are eager to know, you do not need to wait 9 months. The ultrasound after 20th week of pregnancy can fully satisfy your curiosity.

You will be ready if your family has a history of genetically inherited disease

If your family has a history of an inherited disease that is associated with gender, it is best to know whether the baby is threatened or not.

Advantages if you do not know the gender of the baby

You will have a special moment when the doctor will announce the gender of the baby

People have been doing this for centuries, so this tradition is very important for many parents.

You will not spoil the surprise

Some people just love surprises, and this would be one of the biggest in their life, so they do not want to destroy it.

If you do not know the gender of the baby, that fact will encourage you to pass the process of delivery more easily

There are parents who leave the gender of the baby to be a mystery, because they think that the expectation will give them strength to cope with pregnancy and childbirth more easily.

If you do not want to know the gender of your baby, tell that to your doctor. That way he will be careful not to ruin your surprise.

Although rarely, sometimes mistakes happen. For example you are told that you expect a girl and then you get a surprise: a strong little boy. But, in the end, the gender is not important. Your love will not change because of the gender and you will love him or her with all your heart.