South Beach diet
The South Beach diet is a diet for quick weight loss and improving health. It is created by Dr. Arthur Agatson, a cardiologist in Miami. This diet is not based on minimizing carbohydrates or fats. It recommends only those carbohydrates and fats that are beneficial for the organism.
How does the diet work?
Foods that contain harmful carbohydrates are replaced with salads, cooked vegetables, fish, chicken and turkey meat and low fat dairy products. Eggs are allowable foods, because their yolk is rich in vitamin E. When you are on this diet it is not necessary to count the calories. Every day you should eat three balanced meals as a key to satisfying the appetite. Additionally are allowed three snacks between meals.
With the South Beach diet the weight is reduced from 3.5 average to 6 pounds, fatty deposits around the stomach are melting and the good cholesterol in the body is increased.
To achieve this, get ready for the three phases of this diet.
The three stages:
First phase. This phase is strict and lasts two weeks. During this stage, your weight will be reduced by 3.5-6 kg. In order not to feel hunger, eat 6 times a day.
Allowed foods: low fat cheese and yogurt, eggs, beef without fat, all types of fish and seafood products, bacon with a minimum of fat, chicken and turkey breasts (without skin), turkey ham, tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower, eggplants , cabbage, cucumbers, beans, peas, broccoli, spinach, zucchini, mushrooms, cocoa, sugar free jelly, olive oil, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds. You can drink water, tea and coffee.
Prohibited foods: high fat cheese, chicken wings or drumstick, fruits, fruit juices, bread, rice, pasta, corn, potatoes, carrots, smoked ham, cake, candy, sugar and all kinds of alcohol.
Second phase. This phase is a continuation of the first. To the allowed foods are added many of the foods that were forbidden in the first phase. Its duration depends solely on you. The diet practiced until you reach the desired weight. In this phase the weight loss is slower because many of the forbidden foods in the first phase are now allowed. With each week you will lose weight from half to one kg. If not so, you have to reduce the carbohydrates that you consume.
Allowed foods: grain foods, brown rice, bread, pasta, peaches, mangoes, grapes, oranges, grapefruit, apples, blueberries and dark chocolate.
Third stage. This phase is the most liberal and it is recommended to become your lifestyle. You can eat six times a day, but most people who practiced this diet are avoiding the snacks because they do not feel hunger. The goal is to select and enter a ‘good’ carbohydrates (fruits) and ‘good’ fats (non-saturated). The ‘bad’carbohydrates like pasta from white flour and sugar should be avoided.
During all stages you should take vitamin supplies and drink at least 1.5 liter of water. If you gain more weight, go back to the first stage and then continue to eat balanced.
Menu examples:
Here are some examples of how your menu for one day should look like, if you are practicing the South Beach diet.
First stage:
First stage: